Gakuba: There are lots of opportunities yet, many people don’t know about them. At AWAN-Afrika, we work with women who own registered agribusiness with a minimum capital of $20, 000, including small and medium enterprises. Although we may still consider agribusiness with a minimum capital of $20, 000 as small, they are not small by African standards. Entrepreneurs are risk takers. That is the definition of an entrepreneur – you take risks and dare to do what no one has done before. In our network, every challenge is an opportunity.
I have been a food security and agribusiness expert for about twenty years now. Based on a study on women empowerment through agriculture and agribusiness, Africa has changed in the last forty years – we now have young women in agribusiness. For instance, in our network, we have young people who are exporting avocados; some are taking up opportunities in the blue economy, organic farming, and other spaces across different agribusiness value chains.